that are much branched : lower petals oblong, of a paler
purple, approaching to lilac. Filaments more or less
turned into petals. Style purple, very hairy. Stigmas 5
or 6, dark purple, spreading, more or less reflexed at
the points.
Our drawing of this curious plant was taken from
specimens brought us from the Nursery of Mr. J.Veitch,
Killerton, near Exeter, where it was raised from seed ;
it is of hybrid origin, and appears to be intermediate
between P. Barringtonii or one nearly related to it, and
probably P. capitatum, or something very near i t : the
greatest singularity of it consists in its numerous petals,
the flowers being all more or less double, owing to the
stamens changing into petals. It is a very abundant
bloomer, and continues in flow;er all the Summer and
till late in Autumn, if properly managed, and may be
considered a great curiosity on account.of its double
flowers : it is also of a hardy nature, only requiring to
be protected from frost in a common greenhouse, or
window of alight room in W inter; and cuttings, planted
in pots, and placed in a sheltered situation, will strike
root readily.