PELARGONIUM commixtum.
Mingled Stork’s-bill.
P, commixtum, caule fruticoso ramosissimo : ramis bre-
vibus villoso-pilosis, foliis aggregates cordatis trilob is
obtuse lobatis rigide dentatis utrinque hirsutis, sti-
pulis ovatis acuminatis, pedunculis 2-3-floris, tubo
nectarifero brevissimo calyce triplo birsuto. breviore, stylo
Stem frutescent, very much branched: branches short
and crowded, thickly clothed with leaves, and with numerous
long, spreading, woolly hairs; the petioles, peduncles,
bractes, and calyx, are thickly covered with
the same sort of hairs. Leaves small, numerous, crowded,
cordate, 3-lobed, clothed with short hairs on both
sides; lobes flat, and bluntly rounded, toothed with
numerous short rigid horny teeth. Petioles short, flattened
a little on the upper side, and convex below, dilated
a little at the base. Stipules ovate, taper-pointed,
villous, and fringed. Peduncles cylindrical, 2 or 3-flow-
ered. Involucre of 6 ovately lanceolate, taper-pointed
bractes. Pedicles about the length of, or scarcely so
long as the bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, of a brown purple ;
the segments lanceolate, taper-pointed; the upper one
broadest, erect; the others more or less reflexed. Nectariferous
tube very short, three times shorter than the
calyx, also of a brown purple. Petals 5 ; the two upper
ones obovate, very unequal-sided, dark rosy red, with
a dark velvetty spot in the centre, below which are
some dark short lines, scarcely branched: lower petals
narrowly obovate or spatulate, of a pale rose colour. Filaments ] 0, connected at the base, 7 bearing anthers,