base, 7 bearing anthers, which are always sterile. Style bright purple, hairy about half way up, the upper
part smooth. Stigmas 5, dark purple, spreading, the
points reflexed or revolute, fringed with purple.
The present splendid subject is also a hybrid production,
and was raised from seed at the Nursery of
Mr.W. Russell, at Battersea, and from a plant sent to us
from thence, the present drawing was m ade; it is somewhat
related to P . Russellianum, which was most probably
one of its parents, what the other was is not easily
to be ascertained. It was named by Mr. Russell,
in compliment to Miss Blunt, of Enham, Hants, which
name we have adopted; it will certainly be a very desirable
plant, succeeding well in a mixture of loam,
peat, and sand ; and young cuttings, planted m pots in
the same sort of soil, and placed on a shelf m the Greenhouse,
will strike root freely.