and extend over the petals, ending in fainter red lines: 3 lower petals lighter, a little reflexed at the edges, strongly
veined at the back. Filaments 10, connected at the base,
7 bearing anthers, that were imperfect in our specimens. Style pale flesh-colour, a little hairy at the base, and smooth
upwards. Stigmas 5, long, revolute at the points.
Our drawing of this pretty plant, was taken this Summer,
at the Nursery of Mr. Dennis, where it was raised
from seed • it is of hybrid origin, and is intermediate between
P. graveolens and one of the red-flowered sorts.
When covered with flowers, it makes a very graceful appearance,
and is always a handsome bushy plant; its leaves
are also sweet-scented; a mixture of light sandy loam and
peat, or any other rich light soil, will suit it very well; and
cuttings, planted in pots, and placed in a shady situation,
will soon strike root.