PELARGONIUM pallidulum.
Pale Pink-coloured Stork' s-bill.
P . pallidulum, foliis reniformibus subquinquelobis un-
dulatis argute inasqualiter dentatis leviter pilosis,
stipulis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis subdentatis,
umbellis quadrifloris, tubo nectarifero calyCe paulo
longiore, stylo glabro aut basi subhirsuto.
Stem stout, frutescent, branched: branches of a
glossy green, clothed with unequal, spreading, white
hairs. Leaves kidney-form, broader than long, shallowly
5-lobed, undulate, toothed with numerous sharp
rigid unequal teeth, of a glossy appearance, but thinly
clothed with hairs on both sides. Petioles flattened, and
slightly furrowed on the upper side, convex on the lower,
thickly clothed with unequal hairs. Stipules variable,
ovate, or oblongly lanceolate, tapering to a long slender
point, sometimes toothed, villous, and fringed. Umbels
generally four-flowered. Peduncles cylindrical, villosely
hairy. Involucre of 6 short, ovate, acute, villous bractes,
closely imbricated over each other. Pedicles much longer
than the bractes. Calyx 5-cleft; the segments lanceolate,
acute, villosely hairy, all reflexed when the flower
is expanded. Nectariferous tube a little longer than the
calyx, gibbous at the base. Petals 5, the two upper
ones broadly obovate, unequal at the base, of a pale
rosy pink, marked with a few purple stripes from the
centre to the base; lower ones narrower, obovately
oblong, of a paler colour, marked with several pale
branching veins. Filaments 10, connected at the base,
7 bearing anthers. Style of a reddish purple, smooth,
or bearing a few hairs near the base. Stigmas 5, bright
purple, revolute at the points.
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