the centre, below which are a few short lines of the same
colour. Filaments 10, connected at the base, 7 bearing
anthers. Pollen deep orange-coloured. Style very hairy
about half its length, the upper part smooth, pale flesh-
coloured. Stigmas 5, purple, reflexed, or revolute at
the points.
Our drawing of this neat, delicate flowering species,
was taken from a plant sent us from the Nursery of Mr.
Dennis, who informs us that it was first raised from seed
in the collection of SirR. C.H oare,at Stourton,, Wilts:
what its original parents were is not now to be ascertained,
but it belongs to the small-leaved division of the
genus, many of which, by their bushy habit, and abundant
flowering, are better worth growing on the lower
shelves or front of the Greenhouse, than so many of the
large, strong-growing sorts ; the variety in the colour of
their flowers also, in our opinion, tends to give a better
effect, than to see so many so nearly alike in colour;
some amateurs now growing scarcely any others, than
the various red ones.
The present plant thriveswell in any rich light soil,
and if properly managed will continue to produce an
abundance of flowers all the Summer: young cuttings,
planted in pots, and placed on a shelf in theGreenhouse,
will soon strike root.