base, 7 bearing anthers : pollen orange-coloured. Style
pale, all over densely hairy.the points reflexed. Stigmas 5, dark purple,
This pretty plant is also of hybrid origin, and was
raised from seed at the Nursery of Mr. Dennis, where
our drawing was made last Summer; we cannot with
certainty point out its real parents, but it is nearly intermediate
between P. incanescens and P . pulcherrimum, or
some nearly related to these; it is a free growing plant,
and makes a snug compact bush, if kept in proper order,
thriving well in any light rich soil, and producing
an abundance of flowers all the Summer. Cuttings
strike root freely if taken in the young wood, and planted
in pots in a light sandy soil, which must be placed in a
tshheayd yr eoqru sihree situation, and regularly watered as