Nectariferous tube about twice the length of the calyx,
flattened and keeled on both sides, gibbous at the base,
and clothed with short, but unequal spreading hairs. Petals 5, the two upper ones obovately oblong, unequal
sided, of a bright orangy scarlet, marked from the base
with numerous branching purple lines, and a white
stripe from near the centre to the base, the back strongly
2-nerved, the nerves branching: lower petals narrower
and shorter, ligulate, of a lighter colour, also veined at
the back. Filaments 10, united at the base, 7 bearing
anthers. Style flesh-coloured, smooth its whole length.
Stigmas 5, purple, reflexed.
The present subject is also of hybrid origin, and
was raised in 1827 in the collection of R. H. Jenkin-
son, Esq. from a seed of P. chenopodiifolium that had
been fertilized with the pollen of some other sort, and
from a plant in flower in his garden last Summer, our
drawing was made; it is of short bushy growth, and
produces a great number of its lively flowers all the
Summer and till late in Autumn, so that it is a. desirable
plant, thriving well in a light sandy soil; and
young cuttings, planted in pots, and placed on a shelf
in the Greenhouse, will strike root freely.