Colley’s Stork's-bill.
P. Colleyanum, villoso-pilosum, foliis cordato-reniformi-
bus subcucullatis insequaliter cartilagineo-dentatis
rigidis, stipulis oblongo-lanceolatis longe acumina-
tis, umbellis subquadrifloris, segmentis calycinis
laneeolatis acuminatis, tubo nectarifero calyce duplo
breviore, stylo subglabro.
Every part of the plant thickly clothed with long
spreading villous hairs. Stem frutescent, erect, not much
branched: branches somewhat flexuose, rather succulent.
Leaves large and rigid, kidney-shaped or cordate,
the lower ones rounded, and the upper ones acute, not
lobed, generally cucullate; but occasionally flattened,
and the points and margins slightly reflexed, sharply
toothed with unequal rigid horny teeth, underneath
strongly nerved, the nerves branched all over the leaf. Petioles flattened on the upper side, and convex on the
lower, a little thickened at the base. Stipules oblongly
or ovately lanceolate, tapering to a long slender point. Peduncles cylindrical, mostly 4-flowered. Flowers very
large, pale purple. Involucre of 6 bractes, more or less
connected : bractes ovate or oblong, with a short sharp
point. Pedicles not so long as the bractes. Calyx 5-cleft,
of a brown purple; the segments lanceolate, taper-
pointed ; the upper one largest, erect or a little spreading
at the points, the others tube reflexed. Nectariferous about half the length of the calyx, flattened on
each side and gibbous at the base, pale brown. Petals 5,
all obovate; the two upper ones very large and broad,
broadly obovate, unequal-sided, slightly crenulate at
the end, pale purple with a dark purple patch in the