PELARGONIU31 magnifolium.
Very large-leaved Stork’s-bdl.
P. magnifolium, foliis cordato-reniformibus acutis obsolete
lobatis acute dentatis utrinque hirsutis ciliatis; margine
subrecurvis, stipulis elongato-lanceolatis acuminatis
subdentatis, umbellis 4-6-floris, petalis superioribus re-
flexis, tubo nectarifero calyce subsequali.
Stem frutescent, much branched; branches thickly
clothed with long spreading soft white hairs, that are very
unequal in length. Leaves very large, broader than long;
lower ones six inches and a half broad and four and a half
long, slightly 5-lobed, acute, nearly flat, or the margins a
little reflexed, sharply toothed with broadish teeth, and
fringed, thickly clothed with short soft hairs on both sides,
strongly and numerously nerved underneath, the nerves
much branched: upper leaves more undulate, deeper-lobed,
more acute, and their teeth sharper. Petioles flattened on
the upper side, and convex on the lower, dilated and hollow
close to the leaf, thickly clothed with unequal spreading
hairs, as are the stipules, peduncles, and pedicles. Stipules
very long, lanceolate, taper-pointed and fringed, sometimes
toothed. Peduncles long, cylindrical. Umbels 4 to 6-
flowered. Involucre of 6 bractes, that are more or less
connected, lanceolate, acute, villous. Pedicles longer than
the bractes, about the length of the nectariferous tube. Calyx 5-cleft, the segments long, narrowly lanceolate, taper
pointed, villous; upper one erect, the others all reflexed. Nectariferous tube about the length of the calyx, thickly
clothed with soft villous hairs, flattened on each side and
gibbous at the base, tinged with a purplish brown, as is the
calyx. Petals 5, much spreading; two upper ones broad-
D 2