which in our specimens were all without pollen. Style
purple, very hairy all its length. Stigmas 5, dark purple,
reflexed or revolute at the points.
Our drawing of this neat little plant was taken from
one sent to us from the collection of J. Fassett Burne H
Esq. of May-place, Crayford, Kent, where it was raised
from seed, and was sent to us by the kindness of Miss
Burnett: from its habit, and form of the leaves, we
should suspect one of its parents to be P. adulterinum,
or some one closely allied to it, with one of the more
upright red flowered sorts, as it is very different from
the greater part of the red flowered ones by its very
compact bushy growth, and small leaves so that its
distinctness will render it the more desirable; it thrives
well in a light sandy soil, with the pots well drained
that the wet may pass off readily; and young cuttings
will root freely, if planted in pots m the same sort oi
soil, in Spring or Summer, and placed on a shell in
the Greenhouse.