others reflexed. Nectariferous tube about half the length
of the calyx, much flattened on each side and gibbous
at the base. Petals 5, spreading, crenulate at the ends:
the two upper ones broadest, broadly obovate, very
unequal sided, of a bright red, a little inclining to purple,
with a faint patch in the centre, below which are
numerous dark lines, much branched: lower petals oblong,
inclining to obovate, of a pale lilac or blus ,
marked with stronger veins. Filaments 10, connected
at the base, 7 bearing anthers: pollen orange-coloured. Style long, bright purple, quite smooth all its length. Stigmas 5, dark purple, fimbriate, the points reflexed.
Our drawing of this handsome plant was taken this
Spring, in the collection of L. Weitje, Esq. of Hammersmith,
where it was raised from seed, it is o
hybrid origin, but we cannot speak with certainty ot
its parents, which were most probably hybrids from
three or four generations, but the origin must nave
been formerly from P. crenulatum that has been mixed
with one of the red flowering sorts. It is of free growth,
an abundant bloomer, and thrives well in a rich light
soil; young cuttings, planted in pots, and placed m a
shady situation, will root readily.