like hooks ; the upper one broadest, ovate ; the others
unequal in size, either broadly or narrowly lanceolate. Nectariferous tube about the length of, or scarcely so
long as the calyx, much flattened on both sides and
gibbous at the base. Petals 5 ; the two upper ones obo-
vate, unequal-sided, narrowing to the base, of a pale
blush, with a large dark purple patch in the centre, that
breaks out into a few short lines; lower petals narrower,
oblong, white or pale blush, with a faint pale purple
blotch in the centre of each. Filaments 10, united at the
base, 7 bearing anthers. Style purple, very hairy below
the middle, and smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, dark
purple, the points reflexed.
The present pretty little plant is of hybrid origin, and
was raised at the Nursery of Mr. Dennis, from a seed of
P. Limmium, and from a plant in his collection, our
drawing was taken last Summer; its leaves have a very
peculiar scent, very much resembling that of green
ginger : it forms a neat bushy little plant, and makes a
very pretty appearance when covered with its delicate
flowers, which are produced all the Summer and till late
in Autumn, thriving well in any rich light soil, and may
be grown in the light window of a room, or in the Greenhouse
in Win ter; young cuttings, planted in pots in the
same sort of soil in Spring or Summer, and placed in a
shady situation, and regularly supplied with water when
dry, will soon strike root.