PELARGONIUM megalostictum.
Handsome large-marked Stork's-bill.
P. megalostictum, caule erecto villoso-piloso, foliis ro-
tundo-reniformibus undulatis multinerviis acute inse-
qualiter dentatis utrinque pilosis mollissimis, stipulis
ovatis acutis subdentatis ciliatis, pedunculis subquadri-
floris, petalis patentibus, tubo nectarifero ealyce villoso
Stem erect, frutescent, not much branched, thickly clothed
with spreading villous hairs. Leaves much broader
than long, kidney-shaped, rounded, hollow towards the
base, very much undulate, sharply toothed with unequal
teeth, that are tipped with a callous point, hairy on both
sides and fringed, very soft to the touch, underneath strongly
and numerously nerved, the nerves much branched, and
spreading in all directions, of a dark green on the upper
side, and paler underneath. Petioles flattened a little on
the upper side and convex on the lower, a little widened
at the base. Stipules ovate or oblong, acute, sometimes
toothed, villous, and fringed. Umbels 3 or 4-flowered. Peduncles cylindrical, more or less bent, villosely hairy,
as are the bractes, pedicles, and calyx. Involucre of 6
small ovately lanceolate acute bractes, much fringed with
long white hairs. Pedicles much longer than the bractes,
and longer than the nectariferous tube. Calyon 5-cleft,
segments lanceolate, acute, spreading, unequal in size, the
upper one much the largest, more or less stained with a
purplish, brown. Nectariferous tube about the length of
or a little longer than the calyx, flattened and slightly
keeled on both sides, gibbous at the base. Petals 5,
spreading, of a rich dark purple, the two upper ones
broadest, obovate, unequal-sided, narrowing to the base,