Clouded Storlc’s-bill.
P. nubilum, caule erecto villoso, foliis cordatis 5-7-lobis
acutis planis denticulatis multinerviis, stipulis ovato-
lanceolatis acuminatis ciliatis, umbellis plurifloris, tubo
nectarifero calyce paulo breviore.
Rob Roy. Hortulcmorum.
Stem frutescent, stout, erect, branching: branches thickly
clothed with spreading villous hairs. Leaves flat, cordate,
acute, slightly 5 to 7-lobed, toothed with numerous short
sharp teeth, strongly and numerously nerved underneath,
the nerves branched all over the leaf, thinly covered with
hairs on both sides: upper leaves on the flower-stems ovate,
scarcely lobed. Petioles flattened on the upper side and
convex below, villosely hairy. Stipules lanceolate, or ovate-
ly lanceolate, broad at the base, taper-pointed and fringed. Umbels several-flowered. Peduncles cylindrical, villous,
bent a little near the umbel. Involucre of 6 ovately lanceolate,
fringed, villous bractes, shortly acuminate at the
point. Pedicles a little longer than the bractes, villous. Calyx 5-cleft, the segments lanceolate, taper-pointed, slightly
villous and fringed, tinged with purple, the upper one
broadest, all more or less reflexed at the points when in
flower. Petals 5; the two upper ones obovate, unequal
sided, blush-coloured, with a large dark patch in the centre,
becoming gradually lighter on the outsides, veined with numerous
purple veins, that are more or less branched and
show through the dark patch: lower petals oblong, rounded
at the points, blush, here and there stained with specks of
purple. Filaments 10, connected at the base,7 7 bearintgo