PELARGONIUM mollifolium.
Soft-leaved, Stork's-bill.
P. mollifolium, caule villoso ramoso, foliis reniformibus
acutiusculis acute dentatis utrinque mollissime pilosis:
inferioribus subquinquelobis undulatis : supe-
rioribus cordatis trilobis planis, stipulis ovatis acutis,
umbellis 3-4-floris, braçteis ovatis subdentatis cus-
pidatis, calycibus villosis, tubo subæquali, stylo glaberrimo. nectarifero calyce
Stem frutescent, erect, branching : brandies thickly
tchloet hpeedti owleitsh, ssptriepaudleins,g puendeuqnucalle ss,o fbt rvailcltoeuss, haanirds , caasl yaxre Leaves variable, very soft to the touch, being thickly
clothed on both sides with short soft hairs, the margins
regularly and rather deeply toothed with numerous sharp
rigid teeth : lower ones kidney-shaped, but ratheracute,
slightly 5-lobed, undulate, strongly 3-nerved underneath,
the nerves branched and clothed with lono- spreading
hairs: upper leaves cordate, acute, three-lobed flat
deepjy and sharply toothed. Petioles nearly round or
slightly flattened on the upper side. Stipules ovate’ or
inclining to cordate, acute, fringed. Peduncles 3 or 4-
ttowered, cylindrical. Involucre of 6 broadly ovate fringed
bractes, that terminate in a sharp point Pedicles
very long, three times the length of the bractes. Calx, v
p-clelt the segments lanceolate, taper-pointed, spreading.
JS/ectariferous tube about the length of the calyx
much flattened on each side and gibbous at the base’ Petals 5 the two upper ones broadest, obovate, unequalsided,
of a pale blush, stained with red lead colour and
a large dark velvetty patch in the centre, edged with
red, below which are many dark purple lines, somewhat V O L • I . y