est, obovate, unequal-sided, the points Teflexed, of a pale
salmony red, with a dark velvet patch in the centre, and
numerous dark lines that branch all over the petals, and
are lightest towards the edges: lower petals much narrower,
oblongly obovate, bright lilac marked with darker
veins. Filaments 10, connected at the base, 7 bearing
anthers: pollen orange-coloured. Style purple, slightly
hairy towards the base, and smooth upwards. Stigmas 5,
dark purple, the points revolute.
This is also a hybrid production, and was raised at the
Nursery of Mr. Dennis, from a seed of P. ramigerum,
that, from the habit of the plant, appears to have been fertilized
by the pollen of P. Dennisianum, or some nearly
related sort. It is of strong growth, very hardy, and like its
parent a very abundant bloomer, thriving well in any light
rich soil, and continuing in flower the greater part of the
year. Young cuttings, planted in pots in the same sort of
soil, and placed in a shady situation, will soon strike root.
Our drawing was made from a plant in the collection
of Mr. Dennis, in June last.