PELARGONIUM megaleion.
Magnificent Storle s-bill.
P. meqaleion, foliis cordatis acutis subseptemlobis undula-
tis glabriusculis argute dentatis rigidis, stipulis oblongo-
ovatis acutis ciliatis, umbellis multifloris, floribus paten-
tibus, calycibus reflexis, tubo nectarifero calyce sesqui-
De Yere Geranium. Hortulanorum.
Stem strong, frutescent, making a large magnificent
bush, that makes a grand appearance when covered with
its large many-flowered umbels of flowers. Leaves cordate,
acute, lower ones broader than long, very much undulate,
the upper ones narrower and more acute, generally 7-lobed,
of a smooth glossy darkish green, the lobes at first very
acute, but as the leaves increase in size becoming broader
and more rounded, deeply toothed with sharp teeth, that
are terminated with a sort of callous mucro, underneath
strongly nerved, the nerves branched and hairy. Petioles
broad, much flattened on the upper side and convex on the
lower, dilated and hollowed where joined to the leaf, thinly
clothed with spreading hairs that are very unequal in length. Stipules ovate or oblongly ovate, acute, much fringed at
the margins. Peduncles cylindrical, swollen at the base,
hairy. Umbels 6 to 10-flowered, the flowers much spreading.
Involucre of several lanceolate, taper-pointed, fringed
bractes, margined with a reddish brown. Pedicles about
the length of the bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, the segments lanceolate,
taper-pointed, hairy and fringed, all reflexed or
re volute at the points, of a brown colour. Nectariferous
tube about half as long again as the calyx, much flattened. Petals 5, large and spreading; the two upper ones largest,