Mrs. Kenrick's Stork’s-biil.
P. Kenrickoe, caule erecto ramoso, foliis cordatis palma-
tim 7-lobatis subcanescentibus utrinque hirsutis :
segmentis oblongis obtusis obtuse dentatis margine
planis, stipulis ovatis breve acuminatis, pedunculis
paucifloris, calycibus reflexis, tubo nectarifero ca-
lyce parum longiore, stylo hirsuto.
Stem frutescent, erect, much branched: branches
rather slender, densely clothed with short white wool,
and numerous longer unequal hairs intermixed, which
gives them a canescent appearance. Leaves cordate,
palmately 7 to 9-lobed, and toothed with unequal short
blunt teeth, also clothed with short white hairs on both
sides, which gives them a whitish appearance: lower
ones with much broader segments than the upper ones,
not so deeply lobed, the lobes flatter and blunter, and
the teeth broader and more obtuse. Petioles flattened a
little on the upper side and rounded on the lower, to-
mentose and hairy. Stipules short, ovate, broad at the
base, and tapering to a short slender point. Umbels
from 2 to 4-flowered. Peduncles cylindrical, thickened
a little at the base, hairy, and tomentose. Involucre of
6 short, ovate, acute, woolly bractes. Pedicles long and
slender, villosely hairy. Calyx 5-cleft, villous; the segments
acute, reflexed; upper one broadest, ovate; the
others lanceolate. Nectariferous tube a little longer than
the calyx, flattened on both sides, and gibbous at the
base. Petals 5 ; the two upper ones broadest, obovate,
attenuated to the base, unequal-sided, of a bright red,
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