Lady Peyton's Stork's-bilL
P. Peytonice, ramis villoso-pilosis, foliis molliter pilosis
acutis argute dentatis undulatis margine subreflexis:
inferioribus cordato-reniformibus 7-9-lobis: supe-
rioribus 3-5-lobis, stipulis oblongo-lanceolatis longe
acuminatis subdentatis, bracteis calycibusque acu-
minatis, tubo nectarifero calyce breviore.
Lady Peyton’s Geranium. Weltje Mss.
Stem frutescent, branching: branches more or less
spreading, thickly clothed with soft villous unequal
hairs, as are the petioles, peduncles, pedicles, and nectariferous
tube. Leaves thickly clothed on both sides ,
with soft woolly hairs, cordate or cordately reniform,
acute, deeply toothed with sharp rigid teeth, very much,
undulate, and the points and margins generally reflexed:
lower ones much broader than long, 7 to 9-
lobed; the upper ones narrower,. 3 to. 5-lobed, the
edges and points more reflexed. Petioles rather slender,,
flattened a little on the upper side and rounded below. Stipules oblongly lanceolate, broad at the base, and
tapering to a long slender point, sometimes sharply
toothed, villous and fringed. Peduncles cylindrical, rather
slender. Umbels several-flowered. Lnvolucre of 6
bractes, that are ovately lanceolate, tapering to a long
slender point, thickly clothed with villous hairs, and
fringed at the edges. Pedicles very long and slender,
much longer than the bractes. Calyx villous, 5-cleft;
the segments very long, lanceolate, taper-pointed, fringed,
the upper one largest. Nectariferous tube variable
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