PELARGONIUM calamistratum.
Curled-lobed Stork’s-bill.
P . calamistratum, villosissimum, foliis cordatis basi di-
latatis 7-9-lobis obtusis crenatis rugosis: lobis latis
rotundato-obtusis conduplicatis undulato-crispis, sti-
pulis ovatis acuminatis undulatis subdentatis mar-
gine recurvis, umbellis multifloris, petalis superi-
oribus cuneatis retusis, tubo sequali. nectarifero calyce
Stem stout, upright, frutescent, not much branched,
thickly clothed with spreading villous white hairs, as is
every other part of the plant except the corolla. Leaves
large, cordate, obtuse, 5 inches and a half broad to 4
inches long, 7 to 9-lobed, rugged, very soft to the touch,
owing to the numerous soft villous hairs with which they
are clothed, shallowly notched at the margin with broad
rounded notches, of a dark green colour: lobes large and
deep, very broad and rounded, folded over each other
and crowded from their breadth, hollow on the upper
side, at length becoming nearly flat, curled at the margins,
and fringed with white hairs. Petioles furrowed
on the upper side, convex or rounded on the lower. Stipules ovate, taper-pointed, undulate, generally toothed,
recurved at the margins. Petioles long, cylindrical
swollen at the base. Umbels many-flowered. Involucre
of 6 to 8 bractes, some ovate, others lanceolate, acute
villous, and fringed. Pedicles unequal in length, but
longer than the bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, segments’ lanceolate,
keeled; upper one broadest, erect, the others
spreading or a little reflexed, the two nearest the upper
one obtuse. Petals 5, bright purple, the two upper ones
broadest, obovately wedge-shaped, slightly retuse