of a bright salmony red, with a large brown velvetty
spot in the centre, from which and below it are numerous
dark lines: lower petals oblong, bluntly rounded,
attenuated towards the base, blush-coloured. Filaments
10, connected at the base, 7 bearing anthers: pollen
orange-coloured. Style pale red, smooth and glossy. Stigmas 5, long and spreading, more or less twisted or
revolute, of a bright purplish red.
The present magnificent flowering plant is of hybrid
origin, and was raised from seed by J. King, Esq. of
Fowlscoombe, near Plymouth, Devon; it appears to
have originated between P. macranthon or some one
nearly related to it, and one of the red flowering sorts;
the size and form of the flower, and the light colour of
the lower petals, bringing it near the former, and the other
parts being intermediate between it and the latter, it is
certainly a very desirable plant for those that are fond of
a large showy flower, and strong growing plant.
The specimen from which our drawing was taken,
was brought us by Mr. James Yeitch, Nurseryman, of
Killerton, near Exeter, Devon : we also received it from
Mr. Davey, of the King’s-road, Chelsea, who informs us,
that he first received it from Mr. King, and flowered it
last year, and still finer the present. Mr. W. Russell,
of Battersea, also brought us a plant, which he informs
us he raised from seed; it appears to be precisely the
same as the present, or at any rate so near, that we could
not observe any difference, and must have been produced
by the same sorts.
As the present subject is of strong free growth, it
will be easily managed, requiring nothing but to be
potted in a rich light soil, or a mixture of turfy loam and
peat will suit it very well; it will be a very desirable
plant for growing in the window of a light room, where
it will thrive as well as in the Greenhouse, only requiring
to be kept from frost. Cuttings, planted in
pots, in the same sort of soil, and placed on a shelf in
the Greenhouse, will root freely.