PELARGONIUM dsedaleum.
Variable-coloured, Stork"s-bill.
P. dcedaleum, foliis cordatis undulato-trilobis ineequaliter
cartilagineo-dentatis utrinque hirsutis, stipulis ova-
tis abrupte acutis, umbellis subquadrifloris, tubo
nectarifero calyce subaequali, stylo hirsuto.
Stem frutescent, erect, branched; branches thickly
clothed with unequal spreading villous hairs. Leaves
cordate, acute, folded inwards towards the base, shortly
three-lobed, the leaf folded inwards where lobed, hairy
on both sides, toothed with numerous sharp horny
teeth, unequal in size. Petioles flattened a little, and
slightly furrowed on the upper side, convex below,
villosely hairy. Stipules broadly ovate, abruptly sharp-
pointed, sometimes toothed. Umbels generally 4-flow-
ered. Peduncles cylindrical, villous. Involucre of six
broadly ovate bluntish bractes, terminated in a short
mucrone, some of them toothed. Pedicles much longer
than the bractes. Calyx 5-cleft: the segments broadly
lanceolate, acute, of a dark brown colour, the upper
one largest. Nectariferous tube about the length of the
calyx, much flattened on both sides, and knotted at
the base. Petals 5, the two upper ones broadly obovate,
rounded at the ends, tapering and unequal towards the
base, of a rosy pink colour, with a large bright dark
spot in the centre, and numerous dark purple branching
lines below it: lower ones of a rosy lilac, oblongly
obovate, tapering to the base. Filaments 10, connected
at the base, 7 bearing anthers : pollen orange-coloured. Style purple, hairy nearly all its length. Stigmas 5,
re volute at the points.