dark interrupted lines : lower petals of rather a paler
colour, and not spotted. Filaments 10, connected at the
base, 7 bearing anthers, which in our specimens were
all sterile. Style pale flesh-coloured, more or less thinly-
clothed with loose hairs, nearly all its length. Stigmas 5,
flesh-coloured, spreading, reflexed at the points.
This very pretty little bushy plant is also of hybrid
origin, and was raised from seed by Mr. W. Smith, in
the collection of the late Earl of Liverpool, at Coombe
-Wood; and from a plant communicated by Mr. Smith,
the present figure was made; it is the produce of one
of the dwarf varieties of P . Spinii, that had been fertilized
with the pollen of one of the bright scarlet sorts,
perhaps P . ignescens, and is at once distinguished from
its nearest relatives, by its dwarf bushy growth, and
nodding flowers, and will be a great acquisition to this
tribe, from its distinctness, particularly as it takes but
little room, and continues in bloom all the Summer
and till late in Autumn, producing a great abundance
of its bright scarlet flowers. It succeeds best in a light
soil, composed of an equal quantity of turfy loam, peat,
and sand, and the pots must be well drained with potsherds,
that the wet may pass off readily, as nothing is
more injurious to it than too much moisture in W inter,
young cuttings, planted in pots in the same sort of soil,
and placed on a shelf in the Greenhouse, will soon
strike root.