nected at the base, 7 bearing anthers. Pollen orange-
coloured. Style pale purple, thinly hairy below, and
smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, spreading, the points reflexed.
The present pretty plant is of hybrid origin, and
was raised from seed at the Nursery of Mr. W . Russell,
at Battersea, where our drawing was made last Summer
; its flowers are related to P . ignescens, and its manner
of flowering; but the foliage and habit of the plant
is altogether different, being more like P. Daveyanum,
as the plant is densely clothed all over with long villous
hairs. It is of free growth, and an abundant bloomer,
thriving well in a light sandy soil, or a mixture of light
turfy loam, peat, and sand, will suit it very well, keeping
the pots well drained with potsherds, broken small,
that the wet may pass off regularly. Young cuttings,
planted in pots, in Spring or Summer, in the same sort
of soil, and placed on a shelf in the greenhouse, will
strike root readily.