Nectariferous tube shorter than the calyx, flattened on
each side, gibbous at the base, purple, villosely hairy. Pe-
tals 5, the two upper ones broadest, cuneate with a shallow
notch at the point, attenuated towards the base, of a light
purple, with a dark velvetty interrupted spot in the centre,
below which are numerous dark lines, branching off in various
directions, and some of them crossing each other:
the three lower petals linear, acute, pale lilac, marked from
the base with two faint red lines. Filaments 10, connected
at the base, 7 bearing anthers, which are always sterile in
the specimens that we have examined. Style purple,
densely hairy, the hairs spreading. Stigmas 5, dark purple,
Our drawing of this curious plant was made at the
Nursery of Mr. Colvill, in April last; he received it several
years since, from M. Parmentier, of Enghein; but we do
not recollect by what name it was sent; it appears not
to be described, as we do not find any description that
agrees with it; but is without doubt a hybrid production,
intermediate between P. cordatum and one of the lobed-
leaved sorts, and is very different from all others; its appearance
is very similar to Malra abutiloides, which has
afforded us a characteristic name; it is of free growth,^ an
abundant bloomer, and comes early into flower in Spring,
so that we consider it as well worth cultivating; it only
requires protection from frost in Winter, succeeding well in
a Greenhouse, or the window of a warm room, and thrives
well in a rich light soil; young cuttings, planted in pots,
and placed in a sheltered situation, will soon strike root.