lines: lower petals oblongly obovate, of a lighter lilac, some
of them marked more or less with dark purple, underneath
strongly nerved. Filaments 10, connected at the base,
7 bearing anthers, -which in our specimens were all sterile. Style dark purple, hairy towards the base, and smooth upwards.
Stigmas 5, dark purple, reflexed or revolute.
Our drawing of this pretty plant was taken in June last,
from one in the choice collection of L. Weltje, Esq. of
Hammersmith, who raised it from seed, and who possesses
many other very fine sorts, that he has procured from seeds.
The present is a handsome free growing plant, and an
abundant flowerer, thriving well in a rich light soil, and
requires nothing but protection from the frost in Winter.
Cuttings of it root readily, planted in pots, and placed in a
sheltered situation.