that branch all over the petals, and become lighter towards
the outsides: lower petals oblongly obovate,
rounded at the point, and tapering to the base. Fi'laments
10, connected at the base, 7 bearing anthers: pollen dark orange-coloured. Style pale red, clothed
with a few scattered hairs near the base, the upper part
smooth and glossy. Stigmas 5, purple, the points reflexed.
This pretty plant is also of hybrid origin, and was
raised from seed at the Nursery of Mr. W. Russell, at
Battersea ; but what its parents were, cannot now be
ascertained; it is most probably from hybrid parents,
that were themselves of hybrid origin; it makes a
handsome bushy upright plant, and produces a great
number of its delicate pink flowers, the whole of the
Summer and till late in Autumn, thriving well in any
rich light soil, or a mixture of light sandy loam and
peat will suit it very well; cuttings, planted in pots in
the same sort of soil, and placed in a shady part of
the Greenhouse, will strike root readily.