lines: lower ones also obovate, but narrower, and of a
paler colour, inclining to a rosy lilac,
connected at the base, 7 bearing perfect
brio-lit red thinly hairy about half way up. Stigmas b, t a g and slendJr, of a purplish red, spreading, and
recurved at the points.
The present handsome plant is of hybnd origin,
and was produced from seed, at the Nursery of Mrs.
M oreen Ihe King's Road, Chelsea, where our ^rawing
was made the beginning between one of the smootho-fl eAavperdi t, ribe, and. one nolf tthhe
red-flowered sorts, and being of strong grow
abundant bloomer, will make it a very de nable phm
particularly as it comes in bloom early H Spnng - it
succeeds well in any rich light, soil; and j o ■
tings, planted in pots, and placed on a shell in
Greenhouse, will root readily.