ones obovate, round at the ends and tapering to the
base, very unequal-sided, marked with a smallish bright
red spot in the centre, below which are many bright
purple stripes, that are slightly branched : lower petals
ligulate, strongly 3 or 4-nerved from the base. Filaments
10, connected at the base, 7 bearing anthers, that are
generally sterile. Sty le bright purple, thinly hairy nearly
all. its length. Stigmas 5, very long, bright purple, revolute
at the points.
This pretty plant is also of hybrid origin, and was
raised from seed at the Nursery of Mrs. More, King’s
Road, Chelsea; it belongs to the same division of the
tribe as P. macranthon, and P. amplissimum ; and others
whose origin was at first between P. grandiflorum, and
some of the other sorts, but it is now impossible to trace
many of them to their original source,- though there is
generally some sort of appearance in habit by which
one at least of their original parents may be traced : the
present is a free-growing bushy, sort, and produces an
abundance of flowers all the Summer, and till late in
Autumn, and will succeed well in a common greenhouse,
or the window of a light airy room, through the
Winter, succeeding well in any light rich soil, or a mixture
of fresh loam and peat will suit it very well; and
being a free rooting plant, and fast grower, it will require
a considerable quantity of water. Young cuttings, planted
in pots, and placed in a sheltered situation, any time
in Spring or Summer, will root readily.