PELARGONIUM obtusidentatum.
Blunt-toothed Storlc s-bill.
P. obtusidentatum, foliis cordatis multilobis cucullatis
undulatis obtuse dentatis molliter tomentosis, lobis
patentibus dilatatis imbricatis, stipulis ovatis acu-
minatis, umbellis multifloris, tubo nectarifero calyce
subaequali, stylo hirsutissimo.
Stem strong, frutescent, erect, branched: branches
thickly clothed with a short tomentum, and numerous
unequal longer hairs intermixed. Leaves cordate, scarcely
acute, many-lobed, hollow on the upper side, more or
less undulate, and deeply toothed with numerous large
blunt teeth, clothed on both sides with a short soft tomentum,
and some longer hairs intermixed, so as to
have a slightly canescent appearance : lobes broad and
dilated at the points, imbricate or plaited over each other,
sometimes quite crowded. Petioles nearly round, very
little flattened on the upper side, clothed with woolly
hairs. Stipules broadly ovate, some approaching to cordate,
broad at the base, and tapering to a slender point,
villous, and fringed at the edges. Umbels from 8 to 10-
flowered. Peduncles rather long, cylindrical, hairy, and
tomentose. Involucre of 6 lanceolate, taper-pointed,
keeled, villous bractes. Pedicles in general a little longer
than the bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, villous; the segments
lanceolate, acute; the upper one broadest, erect;
the others reflexed at the points. Nectariferous tube
about the length of the calyx, flattened on each side,
and gibbous at the base. Petals 5 ; the two upper ones
more than twice the size of the lower ones, obovate, a
little unequal sided towards the base, of a bright scarlet,