figured Stork's-bill.
P . iconicum, villoso-hirsutum, foliis cordatis subquin-
quelobis grosse dentatis, stipulis ovatis acutis, pe-
dunculis 3-5-floris, petalis reticulato-venosis : supe-
rioribus cuneatis basi inaequalibus: inferioribus
spatulato-cuneatis, tubo nectarifero calyce subae-
quali aut paulo breviore.
Stem frutescent, branching : branches rather lengthened,
thickly clothed with spreading villous hairs.
Leaves cordate, generally 5-lobed, and toothed with
large sharp rigid teeth, strongly nerved on the underside.
Petioles stout, widened at the base, channelled
on the upper side, villosely hairy. Stipules broadly
ovate, acute, sometimes toothed, fringed. Umbels opposite
to the leaf, from three to five-flowered. Peduncles
cylindrical, thickened a little near the base, villous. Involucre of 5 or 6 oblong lanceolate, acute bractes,
more or less connected at the base, villosely hairy. Pedicles short. Calyx 5-cleft, the upper segment broadest,
erect, the others spreading or reflexed, villous. Nectariferous tube scarcely so long as the calyx, flattened
on both sides and gibbous at the base. Petals 5,
spreading, scarlet; the two upper ones broadly wedge-
shaped, oblique at the base, marked with innumerable
dark lines which branch in all directions, towards the
base is a white m ark: lower petals narrower, also
wedge-shaped, but tapering to the base, marked with
two or three longitudinal dark veins, which branch out
on both sides. Filaments 10, connected at the base, 7
bearing anthers : pollen orange-coloured. Style purple.