lower ones oblong, obtuse, strongly nerved underneath
with several veins that are slightly branched. Filaments
10, united at the base, 7 bearing anthers, that are always
sterile or producing no pollen. Style pale blush, smooth
its whole length. Stigmas 5, purple, the points reflexed.
The present curious and very distinct plant is of
hybrid origin, and appears to be intermediate between
P. Daveyanum and one of the small-leaved sorts, it
differs materially from all others with which we are acquainted,
by its small woolly leaves, bushy growth, and
the few flowers on each peduncle; but as these are produced
in great abundance, it makes up that deficiency.
The plant from which our drawing was taken, was
sent to us from the Nursery of Messrs.Young, Nurserymen,
at Epsom, who raised it from seed; from the
bright colour of its flowers, and distinct habit, it may
be considered a desirable plant; thriving well m a light
sandy soil, or a mixture of light turfy loam, peat, and
sand, will suit it very well, giving it but little water m
winter; the pots must also be well drained with potsherds
broken small, that the wet may pass off readily: young
cuttings, planted in pots in the same sort of soil, and
placed on a shelf in the Greenhouse, will strike root