flattened on both sides, and gibbous with brown. Petals 5, crenulate ata tt hthee mbaasreg,i ntsi,n gt he
two upper ones obovate, unequal-sided towards the
base, o ia handsome blush, with a dark purple patch
in the centre, and numerous branching P^l?1® ^
which extend over the greatest part of the p •
petals oblongly obovate, white or pale blush, with three
or four faint purple lines from the base. Filaments 1 ,
united at the base, 7 bearing anthers:
cSotilgomuraesd 5. , fSitmylber piautrep, lsep, rveeardyi nhga, idrya rnke paurlryp lael,l Sthe HpomI
reflexed or revolute.
The habit of the present plant immediately shows
one of the parents from which it has been produced,
which is P ^platypetalon; this has doubtless been fertilized
by one of the large-leaved, and -stronger gro -
ins? sorts, which produced the present plant, it is very
free of growth, makes a very handsome growing bushy
plant which produces a great abundance of flowers all
the Summer, and until late in Autumn if managed
accordingly: it succeeds well m any rich light so l,
and y^u nj cuttings strike root freely, if planted m
Pn otsO uanr dd rpalwacinegd wina as smhaaddey fsriotuma taio np.l ant, sent us f-rom
the Nursery of Mr. Dennis, where it was raised from
seeds by Mr. Joseph Robinson, a successful cultivator
of Geraniacese, who has the care of Mr. Dennis s