4 or 5 dark lines that are more or less branched: lower
petals broadly ligulate, spreading, of an orangy red,
tipped with a tinge of purple. Filaments 10, connected
at the base, 7 bearing anthers, that are all imperfect. Style flesh-coloured, all over hairy. Stigmas 5, bright
purple, reflexed or revolute at the points.
The present very distinct sort is of hybrid origin,
and was raised at the Nursery of Mr. Dennis, Grosvenor
Row, Chelsea, from a seed of P. Moreanum, that had
been fertilized by some lighter flowered upright growing
sort; the flowers are not so handsome as those of
its parent, and the habit of the plant and form of its
leaves is altogether different; it is of a very upright
tall growth, with long slender branches, but it produces
a great number of its neat lively flowers, and continues
in bloom nearly all the Summer, so that it is well worth
cultivating for the sake of variety. A light sandy soil
is most proper for it, or an equal mixture of light turfy
loam, peat, and sand, will suit it very well, with the pots
well drained, that the moisture may pass off readily,
and giving it but little water in Winter. Young cuttings,
planted in pots in the same sort of soil, and placed on a
shelf in the Greenhouse, will strike root readily.