Queen of Portugal's Stork's-bill.
P. Glorianum,' foliis cordatis profunde 7-lobis crenato-
denticulatis undulatis utrinque hirsutis: lobis latis
rotundato-obtusis basi imbricatis, stipulis ovatis
acuminatis, umbellis capitatis multifloris congestis,
petalis cuneatis, tubo nectarifero aequali, stylo hirsuto. calyce villoso sub-
Stem fru tescent, branching: branches densely clothed
with unequal white villous hairs, as are the petioles, peduncles,
bractes, and calyx. Leaves very large,dark °reen,
some of them five inches and a half long, and the same
in breadth, cordate at the base, 7 to 9-lobed, rounded
at the end, scarcely toothed but shallowly notched, undulate,
thickly clothed on both sides with short hairs: lobes
overlapping each other at the base, and some of them
their whole length, broad, and rounded at the ends, more
or less undulate, or sometimes flat. Petioles flattened
a little on the upper side and rounded below. Stipules
ovate or oblong, broad at the base, taper-pointed, fringed.
Umbels many-flowered, in a close compact head. Peduncles stout, cylindrical. Involucre of several bracdteicsl,
e ssome ovate, others lanceolate, acute, fringed. Pe
very short, scarcely any. Calyx 5-cleft; the segments
unequal in size, some broadly lanceolate, others
linear, acute, spreading, or reflexed when the flowers
are expanded. Nectariferous tube about the length of
the calyx, flattened on each side, villosely hairy. Petals
5, wedge-shaped, of a purplish red; the two upper ones
broadest, very unequal sided, attenuated to the base,
marked with a faint brown spot in the centre, and numerous
short dark lines between it and the base, strongly