petals oblong, obtuse, of rather a lighter colour, strongly
veined underneath. Filaments 10, connected at the base,
7 bearing anthers: pollen orange-coloured. Style flesh-
coloured, thinly hairy nearly all its length. Stigmas 5,
dark purple, reflexed or revolute at the points.
Our drawing of this fine strong-growing plant, was
made at the Nursery of Mrs. More, in the King’s Road,
Chelsea; it is of hybrid origin, and has been produced
from one of those related to P. macranthon, mixed with
one of the darkish red ones; this would produce the present
colour. Being of free strong growth, and an abundant
bloomer, will make it a desirable plant for decorating
rooms and windows, or to make a strong plant for the
Greenhouse or Conservatory; it is also pretty hardy, only
requiring protection from frost, and to be kept in a light
airy situation, thriving well in any rich light soil; and cuttings,
planted in pots in the same sort of soil, and placed
in a sheltered situation, will soon strike root.