PELARGONIUM insculptum.
Engraved-petaled Stork s-bill.
P. insculptum, foliis cordato-reniformibus acutis argute
inæqualiter dentatis utrinque molliter pilosis : su-
perioribus cuneatis sublobatis, stipulis ovatis villo-
' sis, umbellis multifloris, bracteis numerosis ovatis
pedicellis longioribus, tubo nectarifero calyce villoso
multo breviore, stylo subglabro.
Stem strong, frutescent, somewhat crooked, branching
: branches thickly clothed with spreading white hairs,
as are the petioles and peduncles. Leaves large, broader
than long, cordately-reniform, acute, thickly clothed
with soft woolly hairs on both sides, which gives them a
soft feel like cloth, sharply toothed with numerous
rigid horny teeth, that are very unequal in length, many
nerved underneath, the nerves branched all over the
leaf : upper leaves of a different form, from cordate, to
cuneate and attenuated towards the base, lobed a little,
and very sharply toothed. Petioles flattened and furrowed
a little on the upper side, and convex below. Stipules ovate, more or less acute, villous. Peduncles
cylindrical, more or less bent. Umbels many-flowered,
very close and crowded. Involucre of numerous, o\ate,
acute, keeled, villous bractes, imbricated over each
other. Pedicles shorter than the bractes, villous. Calyx
5-cleft, densely clothed with villous hairs, tinged with
brown, the segments lanceolate, taper-pointed, all more
or less twisted and reflexed. Nectariferous tube also
villous, and much shorter than the calyx, much flattened
on each side, of a pale brown colour. Petals 5
all obovate ; the two upper ones broadest, very unequalsided,
of a reddish lilac, with a dark purple spot m
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