PELARGONIUM Lawranceanum.
Mrs. Kearse's Stork's-bill.
P. Lawranceanum, caule erecto suffruticoso; ramis bre-
vibus subcarnosis, foliis cordatis subseptemlobis undu-
latis obtusis crenulatis tomentoso-hirsutis, stipulis lan-
ceolatis acutis basi dilatatis, scapo diviso, umbellis mul-
tifloris, tubo nectarifero subsessili calyce reflexo quintuple
Roots tuberous, oblong, branching. Stem short, erect,
suffrutescent, rather succulent, branched a little, and clothed
below with a brown rugged bark : branches short, succulent.
Leaves cordate, blunt, or slightly retuse at the
point, generally 7-lobed, undulate, and notched at the edges
with unequal broadish shallow notches, clothed with short
woolly hairs on both sides, but much the thickest underneath,
the margins thickly fringed with short crowded hairs, points
generally more or less reflexed, as are the lobes also, underneath
strongly 3-nerved from the base, the nerves branched,
but not so much as in most leaves of this genus: lobes
broad and rounded, or retuse, more or less folded over each
other. Petioles nearly cylindrical, much thickened at the
base, thickly clothed with short hairs, and soft wool underneath.
Stipules lanceolate, acute, broad at the base, fringed.
Scape branching, producing a few small leaves. Umbels
many-flowered. Peduncles cylindrical, clothed with
long spreading hairs, and numerous very short ones intermixed,
that are tipped with minute glands. Involucre of
numerous bractes of various sizes, broadly or narrowly lanceolate,
acute, fringed. Pedicles very short, scarcely any. Flowers of a dark velvetty purple, edged with a lighter colour,
cowslip scented. Calyx 5-cleft, clothed with spreading
hairs and soft wool underneath$ segments lanceolate,
acute, all reflexed, or the points revolute. Nectariferous
tube flattened on each side, tapering downwards, thickly