Lovely Stor/c’s-bill.
P. eratinum, caule suffruticoso, foliis cordatis acutis sub-
trifidis concavis utrinque pubescentibus: segmentis
lobatis obtuse insequaliter dentatis, stipulis ovato-
lanceolatis acutis, umbellis 4-5-floris: petalis supe-
rioribus oblongo-obovatis: inferioribus ligulatis, tubo
nectarifero calyce subaequali.
Stem short, suffruticose, much crowded with leaves,
thickly clothed with villous hairs, and short down underneath
: branches spreading, rather flexuose. Leaves
cordate, acute, deeply 3-parted, concave, keeled below,
pubescent on both sides, underneath strongly nerved,
the nerves much branched; segments spreading, unequally
lobed, and toothed with blunt teeth that are
very unequal in size, some large and others very small. Petioles flattened a little on the upper side, and rounded
below, a little thickened at the base, clothed with
spreading hairs, and soft down underneath. Stipules
ovate or ovately lanceolate, acute, fringed with short
hairs. Peduncles axillary or opposite to a leaf, cylindrical,
downy, and clothed with spreading hairs. Umbels
4 or 5-flowered. Involucre of 6 lanceolate, acute, concave,
villous, fringed bractes. Pedicles a little longer
than the bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, tinged with purple,
thickly clothed with short villous hairs: upper segment
broadest, erect, ovately lanceolate, keeled, the margins
tinged with red: the others lanceolate, acute, reflexed
at the points, fringed. Nectariferous tube about the
length of the calyx, gibbous at the base. Petals 5, the
two upper ones oblongly obovate, inclining to cuneate,
of a bright orangy scarlet, with a dark velvetty patch