PELARGONIUM eriophomm.
Wool-bearing Stork’s-bill.
P. eriophorum, villosissimum, foliis rigidis cordatis sub-
acutis quinquelobis undulato-crispis rigide dentatis
margine incurvis, stipulis oblongis breve acuminatis
ciiiatis, umbellis subquadrifloris, tubo nectarifero
calyce subsequali, petalis superioribus spathulato-
cuneatis: inferioribus ligulatis, stylo basi subhirsuto.
Whole plant entirely covered with long white woolly
hairs, and short woolly down underneath. Stem frutes-
cent, rather succulent, not much branched. Leaves rigid,
cordate, generally acute, 5-lobed, or sometimes 7-lobed,
very much undulate, and curled at the margins, the
margins bent inwards, so as for the leaf to be hollow on
the upper side, toothed with numerous sharp, unequal,
rigid teeth, the edges more or less tinged with a reddish
brown, underneath strongly nerved, the nerves branched
and spreading all over the leaf: upper leaves cuneate
at the base, less lobed. Petioles broad and flattened on
the upper side, convex below, a little thickened and
widened at the base. Stipules large, oblong, tapering to
a short sharp point, entire or rarely toothed, fringed,
horizontally spreading. Umbels 3 to 4-flowered. Peduncles
short, cylindrical. Involucrum of 6 spreading, lanceolate,
taper-pointed, fringed bractes. Pedicles scarcely
so long as the bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, the segments
erect, or somewhat spreading, lanceolate, acute, the
upper one largest. Nectariferous tube flattened on each
side, and gibbous at the base, about the length of the
calyx. Petals 5 ; the two upper ones spathulately cuneate,
tapering to the base, of a bright orangy scarlet,