in the centre, and numerous dark purple lines that branch
all over the petals : lower petals obovately oblong, obtuse,
of rather a lighter colour, also marked with numerous
lines, that are branched upwards, particularly the outside
ones. Filaments 10, connected at the base, 7 bearing anthers
: pollen orange-coloured. Style dark purple, hairy
nearly all its length. Stigmas 5, dark purple, reflexed at
the points.
Our drawing of this pretty flowering sort, was taken
from a plant kindly sent to us by Miss Burnett, of May
Place, Kent. It is of hybrid origin, and was raised from
seed last year in the collection of J. Fassett Burnett, Ksq.
It appears to be related to P. Watsoni mum, and P. pu c erri and is probably intermediate between one of these
and P. inscriptum, or some other lined petaled sort, from
the singularity in the marking of its petals; it makes a
pretty variety, thriving well in a rich light soil; and young
cuttings will root readily, if planted in pots, and placed in
a sheltered situation.