ovate bractes, that are much crowded and imbricate,
slightly keeled, more or less toothed, and thickly fringed
round the edges with soft white hairs. Pedicles unequal
in length, generally longer than the bractes,
some of them twice the length. Calyx 5-cleft; the
segments lanceolate, tapering to a long slender point,
keeled, three-nerved, the margins membranaceous Nectariferous tube
densely fringed : upper one largest. shorter than the calyx, generally Corolla about half the length,
also shorter than the pedicles. of 5 petals, all
obovate, pure white: the two upper ones broadest,
with a handsome reddish purple spot in the centre, by
the side of which and below it are a few dark -purple
mens lines, one extending down the centre to the base. Sta
10, connected at the base, 7 bearing anthers,
which are often imperfect. Style dark purple, quite
smooth its whole length. Stigmas 5, very long, bright
purple, spreading, and more or less twisted and revolute.
Our drawing of this handsome plant was taken this
Spring at the collection of L. Weltje, Esq. of Hammersmith,
where it was raised from seed; it is of hylbartiudm
origin, and is intermediate between the P . cucul- and P . grandiflorum tribes, partaking of nearly
an equal proportion of both. It is of strong free growth,
very hardy, and an abundant bloomer, and will continue
in flower all the Summer, and till late in Autumn,
if managed accordingly; this is to be accomplished
by cutting off all the flowering stems after they have
done blooming; the young shoots will then produce
other flowers, which will come forward in succession a
great part of the year; the greater part of this genus
may be treated in the same manner.
The present plant thrives well in any rich light soil,
and requires a great supply of water when in a free
growing state ; cuttings of it strike root freely if planted
in pots in the same sort of soil, and placed on a shelf
in the Greenhouse, or in any other sheltered situation.