PELARGONIUM Yeatmanianum.
Miss Yeatman’s Stork's-bill.
P. Yeatmanianum, villoso-pilosus, foliis reniformibus obsolete
quinquelobis denticulatis mollibus, stipulis
ovatis acutis, umbellis plurifloris, bracteis ovatis bre-
viter acuminatis, calycibus reflexis, tubo nectarifero
calyce paulo breviore, stylo inferne piloso.
All over clothed with soft villous hairs. Stem erect,
branched. Leaves kidney-shaped, slightly 5-lobed, and
toothed with numerous very short rigid teeth; underneath
many-nerved, the nerves rigid and branching all
over the leaf, clothed with short soft hairs on both sides,
which makes them have a soft feel when touched : upper
ones rounder and scarcely lobed. Petioles flattened
on the upper side, and convex below. Stipules ovate,
or inclining to cordate, terminated in a short taper point. Umbels several-flowered. Peduncles cylindrical, much
thickened at the base. Involucre of several short ovate
bractes, that terminate abruptly in a slender point. Pedicles
about three times the length of the bractes, the
upper part tinged with purple. Calyx 5-cleft, tinged
with a brownish purple: segments lanceolate, acute,
keeled; the upper one broadest, erect, the others reflexed.
Petals 5, all obovate; the two upper ones twice
the breadth of the others, very slender at the base, unequal
sided, of a pale purple, marked with a very large
dark velvetty patch in the centre, below which and
from it branch out some dark veins: lower petals lilac,
also marked with a dark mark in the centre, and more
or less veined. Filaments 10, connected at the base,
7 bearing anthers: anthers before bursting pointed.