base, 7 bearing anthers, that in our plant were all imperfect.
Style pale purple, thickly clothed with hairs
all its length. Stigmas 5, dark purple, reflexed at the
This very neat little plant is also of hybrid origin,
and was raised by Mr. Smith in the gardens at Coombe
Wood, in the year 1828; one of its guineum, parents was P . san- the other, one of the small-leaved shrubby
sorts; the colour of the flowers partake chiefly ox the
former parent, the habit of the plant that of the other;
as it forms such a neat little bushy plant, and produces
an abundance of its dark flowers, it may be considered
a very valuable acquisition, particularly suitable to a
small greenhouse; it requires but little water in Winter,
and the pots to be well drained that the moisture
may pass off readily, succeeding best in a light sandy
soil; or an equal mixture of light turfy loam, peat, and
sand, will suit it very well, taking care not to over-pot
it t young cuttings, planted in pots, and placed on a
shelf in the greenhouse, will root freely ; but as these
are but sparingly produced, it will be likely to remain
scarce for some time.
Our drawing and description was taken from a plant,
sent us by the kindness of Mr. Smith, in August last.