Mrs. De Burgh's Stork's-bill.
P. Deburghce, foliis cordatis obtusis 5-7-lobis undulatis
cartilagineo-dentatis ciliatis utrinque piloso-tomentosis
apice recurvis: lobis latis subconduplicatis recurvis,
stipulis cordato-ovatis floris, tubo nectarifero caaclyucties suvbilaleoqsuisa,l i.umbellis pluri-
Stem frutescent, hard and woody, and clothed with a
brown cracked bark: branches erect or slightly spreading,
densely clothed with spreading villous hairs, as are the petioles,
peduncles, and calyx. Leaves numerous, rather
small, about 2 inches long, and 2 inches and a half broad,
cordate, bluntly rounded at the point, 5 to 7-lobed, very
much undulate, toothed with numerous unequal broad
rigid cartilaginous teeth, the margins fringed, both sides
densely clothed with short woolly hairs, so that they are
very soft to the touch, points and lobes more or less recurved:
lobes broad, overlapping at the base, bluntly
rounded, conduplicate or folded, owing to their great breadth.
P etioles a little flattened on the upper side and convex below,
thickened a little at the base. Stipules ovate, or cor-
dately ovate, acute, rather short, sometimes toothed, villous,
and fringed. Umbels generally 6-flowered. Peduncles
cylindrical, more or less bent. Involucre of 6 or 7
broadly lanceolate, taper-pointed, villous bractes. Pedicles
villous, in general longer than the bractes. Calyx 5-cleft,
the segments lanceolate, acute, upper one broadest, keeled’
erect; the others slightly reflexed at the points. Nectariferous
tube about the length of the calyx, sometimes rather
longer, or occasionally a little shorter, much flattened
on each side and furrowed, gibbous at the base. Petals 5 VOL. I. g