PELARGONIUM latidentatum.
Broad-toothed Stork’s-bill.
P . latidentatum, foliis cordatis 5-7-lobis lato-dentatis ci-
liatis utrinque molliter pubescentibus, stipulis lan-
ceolatis longe acuminatis ciliatis, umbellis multi-
floris, tubo nectarifero calyce acuto duplo longiore.
Geranium Miranda. Hortulanorum.
Stem rather short, frutescent,ches much branched: bran
thickly clothed with very unequal spreading hairs. Leaves cordate, broad at the base, scarcely acute, unequally
5 or 7-lobed, and toothed with very broad
teeth, that terminate in an acute point; margins fringed
with short hairs, both sides clothed with short soft
downy hairs, which makes a soft feel to the touch, resembling
the feel of cloth: lower leaves largest and
broadest, 7-lobed, the lobes sometimes flat and spreading,
others are more or less recurved: upper leaves
sharper and less lobed, the teeth slightly tipped with
brown. Petioles slightly flattened on the upper side
and rounded on the lower, thickened a little at the base,
thickly clothed with spreading hairs, and short down
underneath. Stipules broadly lanceolate, tapering to a
long slender point, fringed with short hairs, sometimes,
but rarely toothed. Peduncles cylindrical, swollen at
tbheels base, clothed with unequal spreading hairs. Um
many-flowered. Involucre of 6 to 8 bractes, that
are unequal in size, lanceolate, acute, concave, very
hairy and fringed. Pedicles about the length of the
bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, segments lanceolate, sharp-
pointed, very hairy and fringed, the margins more or
less red : upper one broadest, and keeled at the back.