Loose-Umbelled Stork’s-bill.
P . laxulum, foliis cordato-reniformibus trilobis undu-
latis inaequaliter dentatis utrinque pilosis, stipulis
ovatis acutis subdentatis ciliatis, umbellis 4-5-floris
laxe patentibus, pedicellis bracteis multo longiori-
bus, calycibus reflexis; tubo nectarifero giore, stylo subglabro. calyce lon-
Stem frutescent, erect, branching; branches clothed
with unequal, long, spreading, white hairs, as are the
petioles, peduncles and pedicles. Leaves cordately reni-
form, more or less three-lobed, somewhat undulate, the
lower ones rounded at the points, the upper ones more
acute, more or less hairy on both sides, toothed with
numerous unequal rigid teeth, of a palish green colour,
strongly nerved on the lower side, the nerves branched! Petioles flattened a little on the upper side and rounded
below. Stipules ovate, acute, sometimes toothed, and
fringed. Umbels 4 to 5-flowered, loosely spreading. Peduncles rather slender, cylindrical. Involucre of six
ovate bractes, that are keeled and mucronate,very hairy,
and ciliate. Pedicles very long and slender, more or less
bent, much longer than the bractes. Calyx villosely
hairy, of a purple brown, 5-cleft: the segments lanceolate,
acute, tipped with green ; the upper one broadest,
keeled, erect; the others narrower, and all reflexed
when in full bloom. Nectariferous tube longer than the
calyx, much flattened on both sides, and slightly gibbous
at the base, longer than the segments of the calyx, of a
brown colour, and clothed with villous spreading hairs. Petals 5, obovate, spreading: the two upper ones about