PELARGONIUM Veitchianum.
Mr. Veitch's Stork’s-bill.
P. Veitchianum, foliis reniformibus subquinquelobis ru-
§toto-°+1S oMuas ^enticulatis stipulis mollissime ovatis pilosis brevite;r laocbuism rinoatutins-,
um e is multifloris congestis, tubo nectarifero ca-
iyce villoso triplo breviore,. stylo hirsutissimo.
cl, oth, edj wi. th long spreading uhaiairust,i arenud; soomraen csnheosr ttemr conKeri
intermixed, more or less tinged with brown. Leave,
kidney shaped, rounded at the points, slightly 5-lobed
rri?g id tereut?h8, ev<*e rayn cso^ futn toev tehne, ttoouocthhe, db ewinitgh d neunmseelryo ucslo sthhoerci
with short woolly hairs on both sides, numerously nerv-
ed underneath, the nerves much branched. Petioles
much flattened, and more or less furrowed on the uppei
side convex on the lower, thickly clothed hairs and short down underneath. Stipules with spreading
tapering to a short point, very hairy and fringed. Umdbeulnsc
mlesany-flowered ; the flowers crowded, purple. Pe
cylindrical swollen a little at the base, very
hairy. Involucre of 6 to 9 ovate, taper-pointed bractes,
more or less connected at the base, villosely hairy. Pe-
dicles variable in length tinged with purple. Calyx 5-
latiH J °US’ f a PurPllsh brown: the segments lanceosa
hbotrttl ’pa nW ^1 fhir fla^ il°mneg sM shoBrter P t°hiannt t hNee ccatalyrxif,e frloautste tnuebde a little on each side and gibbous at the base. Petals 5
occasioned by some of thé
bbrrooadXestt, rpurgpli eU, rnmeadrlk,ne^d° Pweittahl sn: umtheertowuso bulPaPcker loinneess