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Genteel Stork’s-bill.
P. lautum, caule erecto ramoso, foliis trilobis acute
dentatis nitidis utrinque hirsutis : inferioribus cor-
datis Totundato-obtusis : superioribus basi truncatis
cuneatisve acutis, stipulis ovatis acuminatis, pedun-
culis 3-4-floris, petalis superioribus apice rotundatis
basi longe attenuatis, tubo nectarifero calyce paulo
longiore, stylo subhirsuto.
Stem frutescent, much branched : branches thickly
clothed with spreading villous hairs, as are the petioles,
peduncles, and calyx. Leaves very variable, generally
3-lobed, or rarely 5-lobed, toothed with sharp rigid unequal
teeth, a little hollow near the base on the upper
side, -of a glossy appearance, though thickly covered
with hairs on both sides, numerously nerved underneath,
the nerves much branched: lower ones cordate, more or
less 3-lobed ; the lobes bluntly rounded, and the teeth
shorter than those on the upper ones: intermediate ones
3 to 5-lobed, even at the base, the lobes and teeth becoming
sharper higher up the stems: upper ones cune-
ate at the base, some of them not lobed, others sharply
3-lobed, acute. Petioles flattened, and slightly furrowed
on the upper side, convex below, dilated a little at the
base. Stipules ovate, tapering to a short sharp point,
fringed. Peduncles cylindrical, 3 to 4-flowered. Involucre
Of 6 or 7 lanceolate, or ovately lanceolate, taper-
pointed, fringed bractes, which are unequal in size. Pedicles long and slender, very hairy. Calyx 5-cleft,
tinged with a purplish brown; the segments lanceolate,
taper-pointed, all reflexed, the upper one broadest.